Wednesday 6 February 2013

Who are you? A billion dollar Question to the human race

After hours o study last night till earlier today at 2. I slept with the hope that I will get 7 hours of sleep and that I will not be woken up by anyone so that my mind can rest and I will wake up today fresh and prepare myself for the voyage to the City of Roses, Pereng E tshweu sengangata.

At 5am in the morning my father wakes me up he called my name many times, I thought I was dreaming but as soon as I woke up  I realised that really it was him who has been calling my name. I woke up and I looke at him, and he asked me a question that Boaz asked Ruth at midnight after turning around as said in the scripture off Ruth: Who are you?. My father asked me the samee question. Who are you?

I was confused, I thought he wanted to create a conversation, but because I respected him I answered him by giving him my full names and surname, again he asked who are you, I thought of reciting my surname andd praising the great forefathers who found this great Mabuya family that I am proud of but then I remembered that I had forgotten the recite as it was taught by my late grandmother Limakatso Emily Mabuya a week before she left this world filled with universal deceit, violence, hatred and too much discourse in the 21st century. I then just kept quiet and looke at me. And he said:"You have a long voyage to walk until you answer this question."

I remember that the question "who are you" was such an easy question at primary school we would get to answer it through a colourful mindmap speaking with enthusiasm, and a childlike faith, we would go back home and when our folks asked us we would explain of how we made mindmaps of who are you. But the crux of the matter is that this question containing three words will forever remain a billion dollar question to the human race.

The world is taking a nightmare pill, there is a lie that acts like a virus in the mind of humanity, despite being the newest creatures on earth as we know that the last thing that God created on the last working day before  the seventh day, we have the power to change the balance within a region forever, we can turn an area full of forests to be one of the most industrialized cities in the world. That is how powerful we are, but it is then dangerous to such an extent that the power we have corrupts absolutely that it even affects our identity. We end up doing things that crash our identity, we create a circle of people that makes us forget our roots, we do and say things that crash and destroy our identity. We do a lot of things that destroy who we are and then we get to undermine the essence of the question: "Who are you?"

The tree is because the branches are, the stem is because the roots are the  see of the tree is because the water is. The circle that contributed to the ceation of the Baobab tree is the main reason why the tree is so strong because it was a positive circle such a circle that is positive should surround every human being but the ultimate decider is oneself and it cannot bee achieved overnight.

In conclusion, the question is a billion dollar question to the human race in a sense that it requires more than your name, your age. But it should be an answer that encapsulates alot of factors that define who the person is, what his/her goals are on this earth, where  his/her truth priorities lie, his/her selffworth, the circle surrounding the person the actions of the person. All this faactors are the tools that the person uses along the journey that heeshe is embarking upon afterall this question is answered through the journey that all of us are walking.

Ask yourself wwho you are and few it from all perspectives like a person who looks at himself in the mirror not only to comb the hair but to also fix other areas that need correction even though he took the comb with the hope of only combing the hair.

Define what your role is on this earth, look at the circle you possess, your selfworth, dreams, goals and ambitions as well as your personality as a whole, no one but yourself can define who you are the ultimate definition of who you are as well as answering the question cannot be done overnight but its worth ansswering it for the sake of your wellbeing and dignity

Thee journey is long but worth travelling however, never run alone but ran with others so that you can go far but always keep a positive circle.

We all have dreams, this are the visual manifestations of purpose and the seeds of destiny planted in the soil of our imagination, let defining and knowing yourself who you are be part of those dreams.

It is not possible, It is imperative

T.W Mabuya

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