Wednesday 6 February 2013

Be limitless, never let the words that people label you with define who you are

Africa has produced countless numbers of men and women, whose lustre and bravery outshines that of any other people. You form part of that list, you form part of that great list of noble sons and daughters of the soil, who understand the neccessity of constructing a new narrative for our continent, you are a shining star, a diamond in the rough, one that is getting well polished and soon about to unleash its full poteantail, full of dreams, one that is applying its full potential to become the highest mountain in the hold, one that is strecthing its potential until it cries for mercy. Its a matter of time before that happens.

The journey that you are walking is long but worth travelling all you have to do is to run with people who will add value to your life. If you want to run fast, run alone but if you want to run far then run together. Then you will finally reach the destination.

But take note that along the journey you will fall, you will meet people who will either build or break you, you will make mistakes, never be afraid to admit when you are wrong, you will say words that you never meant, never be afraid to apologize, afterall we sin everyday yet God gives us another chance. You will be degraded and called names that break you, never let them define you, never respond to those circumstances, sometimes you will feel troubled, always pray. Most importantly strive to keep your circle positive do good deeds, think good thoughts and say good words and always strive to be positive no matter what.

You are powerful beyond measure, you are gifted and full of life, all you need to do is to just work hard, pray hard, believe in god and always get as much inspiration as you can. As for all the challenges that yu have embarked upon shake the dust, as for the names that you have been given, the pain that you have experienced, shake the dust and look forward to greater thing, hand all the matter to the hands of God and let him mould and take charge of your life. May he make you that best person that he wants you to become, humble yourself and he shall lif you up, denounce all disgraceful thing.

Most importantly dream big abd act big, those who do not have dreams that they want to accomplish in life have nightmares, dream limitlessly, let the sky be the limit and eternity the measurement. Dream like a small child who dreamt of having a bicycle, as time goes he dreamt of being a Super Saiyan like Goku, most importantly have a childlike faith and dont just dream act on your dreams and dream things that wont even be achieved in the future, at the end of the day it will be worth it to have lived your life with a purpose.

Never let people define you, let your positive adctions define you, let the people who had value in your life define you. If ever you were called a psycho or a fool, never let such names define you, once they do, then they are bound to define you.

Be limitless despite all odds, shake the dust and stretch your potential until it cries for mercy. Never stop dreaming because once you do then you are bound to have nightmares.

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